The 2nd edition of the Roberto Riccoboni Solidal Award reiterates its support for research
Presented today in the Moncalvo Hall at Alessandria University Hospital
Everything is ready for the 2nd edition of the Roberto Riccoboni Solidal Award, which will grant €15,000 to the best project submitted by professionals from the Research Laboratories Unit of the Department of Integrated Research and Innovation Activities (DAIRI). This is the sum provided by the renewed initiative presented today in the Moncalvo Hall at Via Venezia, 16.

This therefore reconfirms the partnership established in 2023 between Solidal per la Ricerca, which developed from the collaboration between the Solidal ETS Foundation and Alessandria University Hospital to support healthcare research, and Riccoboni Holding Srl, a leading group in integrated environmental management, special waste disposal and treatment, and contaminant remediation.

This Award, in memory of Roberto Riccoboni, aims to support healthcare research based on rewarding merit for the second year running, with a special focus on the ability to study diseases linked to environmental factors, as well as on innovative contributions linked to laboratories’ work, on the value and impact generated in response to the region’s health needs and on the increase in scientific production of these laboratories.

The Research Laboratories Unit of DAIRI works to coordinate and consolidate the research carried out by many integrated laboratories at Alessandria University Hospital and the Department of Science and Technological Innovation (DiSIT) at the University of Eastern Piedmont.

All researchers at Alessandria University Hospital, the Alessandria Local Health Authority and the University of Eastern Piedmont related to this unit can take part in the award. Applications must be submitted by 25 October 2024 and the winner of the award will be announced on 26 November at “Research Week 2024”.

For more information, please visit the page
Luciano Bernini, Alessandria University Hospital Medical Director:
“While thanking the Riccoboni family, I would once again like to underline an important underlying aspect of this Award: the Research Laboratories enhance the close synergy with the University of Eastern Piedmont which became fully integrated from 1st January this year thanks to our Hospital’s transformation into a University Hospital”.

Annalisa Roveta, Research Laboratories Unit Manager
“The return of the Roberto Riccoboni Solidal Award has special importance for the Unit, because it is an innovative way to show generosity which stimulates and promotes the project skills of professionals in the integrated laboratory network with the DiSIT of the University of Eastern Piedmont, pursuing the goal of implementing translational research projects. In fact, with this award, they have the possibility of carrying out their projects more quickly thanks to the support that comes straight from the region. We are therefore running this great way to enhance research for the second year in a row, which is always difficult to bring to the community’s attention”.

Leonardo Marchese, Research Laboratories Unit Project Leader
“The process that links the University of Eastern Piedmont and Alessandria Hospital has been going on for many years and has been getting stronger first with the involvement of many professionals and students and then with the establishment of the integrated Research Laboratories and, finally, with the previously mentioned transformation into a University Hospital. Thanks to Riccoboni Holding, we can give extra visibility to this synergy and, above all, to the research of all our professionals”.

Angelo Riccoboni, CEO of Riccoboni Holding: “We hope that the second edition of the Roberto Riccoboni Solidal Award will give the judges a hard job just like last time, given the many qualified projects that were submitted. The Roberto Riccoboni Solidal Award is part of assisting the region in order to support healthcare research based on rewarding merit, with a special focus on the ability to help study diseases linked to environmental factors. We believe it is important to support laboratories’ work in response to the region’s health needs and the increase in scientific production of these laboratories”.

Manuela Ulandi, Solidal per la Ricerca: “Thank you to Riccoboni Holding, who decided to renew their trust in the Foundation for the second year running, allowing the launch of this new edition of the Award dedicated to Research Laboratories. In fact, this will be an opportunity not only to develop the research of professionals who are part of this unit, but also to explain to the community their importance and the impact they have on improving treatments”.

Antonio Maconi, Head of the Department of Integrated Research and Innovation Activities (DAIRI)
“This Award in memory of Roberto Riccoboni is an inspiring example of how the region can actively support the IRCCS recognition process, enhancing the most deserving project proposal by professionals from the DAIRI and encouraging the constant improvement of public health. Particular attention will be given to research focused on environmental diseases, which are also at the heart of the major collaboration created last year between Riccoboni Holding, the DAIRI and Solidal per la Ricerca”.
premio riccoboni 2 con Ilaria Riccoboni

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